Sunday, November 22, 2015

Week 3: In which we give thanks and Pooh gets stuck in a tight place

Andrea wants you all to know that this is a guest post, by me, Scott.

This week, you will receive:
Brussels Sprouts
Butternut Squash
Acorn Squash

Full share members also get:
"Other" Squash

Some of you have asked about potatoes in the future, and I am afraid to say that you have seen all you will from our farm this year. Despite a dry spring, excellent planting team, and good hilling, the plants never seemed to recover from the cold and too wet June weather. Next year will be perfect.

This week, we are distributing one of my all time favorite vegetables, the mighty celeriac, aka celery root. With it's mild celery flavor and somewhat nutty qualities, it gets it's own part of my heart. On the bottomland farm that we worked at in Grand Rapids, MI, the celeriac grew to the size of softballs. We've never achieved that on our own mineral soil. The flavor of our much smaller roots continues to make it worth growing though. You can slice them thin and eat them raw, with cheese and crackers, or add them to soups. You can roast them with other root vegetables. I tried a new approach this evening, sauteed in olive oil with salt and pepper.

1/4 cup Leeks, cut into 1 inch long pieces, large ones sliced in half lengthwise
1/2-1 cup grated Celeriac
3-4 tbls Olive Oil
Salt and Pepper to taste

I tried to grate the celeriac using a cheese grater with limited success, and ended up slicing most of it into thin pieces, however, the grated pieces were much better than the sliced, so I highly recommend using a food processor to shred or grate it if you have one.

Heat the frying pan and olive oil to low-med heat and then add the leeks. Stir after 1 minute and add the celeriac. Cook for around 5 minutes for grated and more for sliced.

I envisioned this to be served with mashed potatoes and gravy, and although I didn't try it, I stand by the vision.


  1. Hey Scott, thanks for sharing this yummy and nutritious recipe. What it will taste like if we add some basil or broccoli too?

  2. Hey say thanks to Andrea from me. And Scott you seems like, are on top of your game. Some great recipe you have outlined here

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